Connected, but alone?
Sherry Turkle observes mobile technology with the clear eyes of an unbiased commentator. Her descriptions about it are disturbingly accurate and resonated strongly with me. Ever since I was in Middle School, mobile technology has been a staple in my relationships with friends and family. At times it connected us, at other times it inflicted damage on those relationships, and, at the worst of times, it deeply disconnected us. A future where human relationship with technology is recognized, understood and maintained at a healthy level, is the future we should all be striving for.
You made me remember back to where technology creeped it's way into my life. As I was born just outside of being a digital native so I remember being fascinated by each new advancement. Myspace is the first social media platform I remember using and it paved the way to where I am now, continuously looking at a screen. We all need to strive for a future where we are more likely to talk to people in person.